The Cycle of Dieting
Dieting is part of the American lifestyle and these days it is a lot sneakier than it used to be! Diets such as Paleo and Keto are trendy and mainstream. However they are restrictive and can lead to overeating, deficiencies, and a tremendous amount of guilt if the diet isn’t followed the way it was designed.
Restriction leads to rebellion. Restriction can also alter metabolism. This is why 95% of diets don’t work! Weight is typically gained back and mental health may be impacted as well.
If your goal is to lose weight. I want to ask you why you want to lose weight? Intention and motivation is key. Every client has different motivations and true success, in terms of happiness and health, lies in the motivation. Have you ever said to yourself (or heard a loved one say) “If I lose 20 pounds I’ll look better and I’ll be happy”. External motivation can be useful, but the deeper the motivation. And the feelings that come from your intention will drive you further and closer to your goals.
So much guilt/shame surrounding food in our culture. Media messages, fad diets, before and after pictures… "‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ foods and how to cut out the ‘bad’ foods. The truth is, food and the way you eat doesn’t make you a better or worse person. Food is pleasurable and can be very exciting, but at the end of the day.. its food and it doesn’t hold any moral value.
The cycle of dieting is one way food can take over our thoughts and create feelings of guilt and shame.
Each client I work with has a different set of habits and a different lifestyle. Becoming aware of these habits is the first step. Then, we work together to disrupt these habits. And that is where the real change occurs. But it takes focus and determination to make sure these new habits stick. Accountability is key. And remembering your ‘WHY’ or intention.
If you’re ready to work towards creating new habits and discovering your potential, contact me today and lets make it happen.